2023-24 Performance DatA
Attainment of Year 6 2023-24:
Early Years Foundation Stage 2023-24
Year 1 Phonics 2023-24
Year 6
*It's important to note that this data reflects a point in time and does not take into account the changes made to the school since March 2024 under the leadership of a new team.
What does this mean?
- Pupils performed better in reading assessments than they did in writing or mathematics.
- The proportion of pupils achieving the higher score for reading (greater depth) is higher than in writing and mathematics.
- Pupils combined attainment (achieving reading, writing and mathematics) is lower than the national average but has increased 10% on the previous year.
What are we doing?
- We have introduced a new curriculum - in January 2024 - that is pitched at higher attainment through reading.
- We have developed new component units for mathematics.
- Writing is a central focus - as demonstrated through our School Development Plan.
The school had a Section 5 inspection (a full judgement inspection) in early September 2022.
The school had a follow-up 'requires improvement' monitoring inspection in early September 2023. Note the HMI's judgement that Valentine Primary has made progress to improve the school.